
PT Val Solusi Indonesia adalah Authorize Partner untuk Product Teramind di Indonesia

User Activity Monitoring

Memantau dan Mengendalikan aktivitas pengguna untuk memastikan kepatuhan dengan kebijakan keamanan internal dan persyaratan peraturan

User Behavior Analytics

Mengidentifikasi perilaku yg anomali dan menemukan potensi ancaman secara real time. Mendapatkan peringatan yang dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya dengan jejak audit lengkap dan perekaman video dari semua tindakan pengguna

Data Lost Prevention

Memanfaatkan fitur Teramind DLP yg unik untuk industri seperti OCR, Fingerprinting, dan pencarian konten untuk mencegah eksfiltrasi atau bocornya data keluar yang berbahaya

Employee Monitoring

Pantau aktivitas karyawan dengan laporan yang dapat disesuaikan untuk mengidentifikasi tim, departemen, produktivitas tingkat individu, penggunaan media sosial, waktu yang dihabiskan untuk proyek, aplikasi, dan lainnya

Compliance & Audit

Memastikan kepatuhan berkelanjutan untuk GDPR, HIPAA, PCI, dan banyak lagi dengan mengidentifikasi dan memperingatkan pengguna tentang tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan peringatan real-time

Insider Threat Prevention

Otomatiskan deteksi risiko dan blokir perilaku karyawan yang tidak diinginkan. Teramind menggunakan aturan dan peringatan cerdas untuk selalu menjaga keamanan organisasi Anda


Teramind Starter

Screen recording & live view, website and apps tracking 

Employee Monitoring

Cultivate productivity and stay ahead
of insider threats to sensitive data with comprehensive activity tracking that alerts admins to risky behaviors threatening your organization

Basic User Behavior Analytics

Boost workforce efficiency and revitalize productivity with user behavior analytics that examine, illustrate and simplify the granular details behind how your workforce operates

Session Recording

Gain complete visibility into workforce operations and enhance security and forensic investigations with video session recordings of user activities

Maintaining Compliance Records

Use Teramind’s reports, session captures and logs to satisfy the burden of proof and monitoring compliance requirements applicable to your organization

Teramind UAM

User activity monitoring, audit, forensics, UBA, policies and rules 

Insider Threat Detection

Counteract data misuse, malicious activity and exfiltration attempts in the moment with automated rules and responses that combat insider threats to data

Workforce Productivity Optimization

Empower your workforce and revitalize productivity. Streamline the workflows of employees, departments or systems with data-driven objectivity

Business Process Engineering

Redefine the way your organization operates. Get the behavioral data you need to boost efficiency and overhaul processes with granular precision

Remote Employee Monitoring

Manage the security, productivity and compliance of dispersed teams. Safeguard your remote workforce while ensuring their productivity

Teramind DLP

Teramind UAM plus content-based data exfiltration rules 

Insider Threat Prevention

Safeguard sensitive data against malicious and unintentional threats stemming from inside your organization automatically

Fraud Detection

Protect your company and its customers from falling victim to fraud by detecting and preventing data misconduct before it happens

Employee Work Pattern Analysis

Identify and investigate behaviors indicating threat by leveraging machine learned behavior analytics that detect anomalous behaviors

Remote Employee Monitoring

Secure company data against loss amongst your dispersed workforce in their vulnerable, remote environments
